The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children...How We Stay Connected & Keep The Love Spark Going

Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers
11-7-18 Marriage tips with clarks-10.jpg
Live Love Blank, Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, The 5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage a Priority, Post Children, and How We Stay Connected and Madly in Love  Zappos and Clark Boots His and Hers

My Clarks Boots HERE | Jordan’s Clarks Boots HERE

Sponsored by Zappos, but as always, all opinions are my own.

Hi Beauties…So excited, because my Love is making an appearance with me on the blog today! I’ve gotten lots of requests on this, so I’m also sharing a few tips on what we do to stay connected, and happy in our marriage, especially post children.

Also, sharing Fall styles with Clarks and Zappos, and OBSESSED…would be the word of the day! First off, love Zappos and their Free Shipping and Returns!! Bonus, everything arrives super fast and you have 365 days to return. I’ve shopped with them for many years, for shoes and clothing, and I love their policy, because I can order multiple sizes of styles I’m unsure of. Especially when reviews leave you wondering if you should really size up or not…free shipping and returns…hassle free…I like hassle free!

Obsessed with these beauties! I can’t get over the quality of both our Clarks boots. My husband, knew in a heartbeat he wanted these beauties. Such a different boot for him, but such a fun fashion piece to pair with everyday basics like he did here. He isn’t a complicated dresser, but he likes a little flare in accessories. I think these are so fun too!! Jordan’s are the grey color way…they are a little more black grey than grey, but still gorge. They also make a women’s version of this same boot.

I love love love my booties…they are so different and amazing! I was instantly attracted to these, and had to have them!. I’d wear them with a maxi dress and hat in a heartbeat…or even with shorts and flannel tied around my waist. SO cute!

I get tons of DMs on Instagram asking me to share marriage tips, especially post children…so I put together a few things we do to keep our marriage fresh and stay connected!

5 Things We Do To Keep Our Marriage And Each Other A Priority

1) We Do The Little Things Together…

Now this might sound silly…but when you find someone who you enjoy just running to Costco or Trader Joes with, or simply mailing packages, and you have fun, you chose correctly! This was one of the first things I treasured…how we both loved just doing life together!! Life is in these small moments…Yes life also happens in the extravagant trips and events, but mostly in the day to day. We are both so crazy busy, that being able to check off the to-do-list together, have fun, and make a memory, is everything. If you aren’t already…start doing the little things together, and making them fun! Face time with your love is imperative, even if it’s running errands…it helps to keep you connected in the day to day.

2) Date Nights…

Okay major…Date your spouse!! You are still you, and he is still pre-baby/pre-marriage him!! Remember you NEED to keep the romance alive and strong, and you need to have a connection and topics of discussion outside your children, and the day to day life. Keep it sexy, and remind your partner why you chose him/her and what you love about him! Don’t lose each other in the midst of the chaos of kids. You have to remember to see each other as individuals, the way you looked at each other pre-kids, in the beginning. I love reminiscing about those first few years of free spirit bliss together…it’s such a sweet reminder. Therefore, making time for each other to do the things you once loved to do, and reminding your spouse all the qualities that you love about him/her, is key in keeping your connection and passion alive.

3) Open Communication…

So important…A marriage can not work with a lack of communication, in all the ways. You both need to be a safe space for each other, and to be able to tell each other when your feelings were hurt by an action or word spoken. You have to be able to discuss the issues as they arise, see each others point of view, apologize and just do better. We all have differences of opinions and how we were raised to express our feelings etc…but the point is…express yourself…Always!!!! Don’t bottle up something, till you explode, or become immune to it. The moment something bothers me…I express it, solve it, turn the page, and move on! I love that I always know where we stand…there are no days of anger or awkwardness...we freely express our feelings, and move past it. Also, equally important is complimenting your spouse when they do something that is kind, thoughtful, and loving! I would actually rate this as Much More Important, because this is 90% of your life, and its imperative your spouse know how much you appreciate him/her. Therefore communicating appreciation for your spouse is ranked right up there!! I always tell Jordan how much I’m grateful for the little things and the big things, he does for me and our family, on a daily basis…even if he sometimes doesn’t hear me…ha…right. Communication is everything!!

4) Doing Nice Gestures For Each Other…

Okay my husband is a Rock Star Here!!! It’s the little things, running through Starbucks to bring me home coffee in the midst of his crazy schedule, running packages to the post office on his way to work when we are super busy that day, bringing home flowers after a tough day with a sweet card, making me my favorite meal (or ordering it and picking it up), agreeing to watch one of my type of movies, or offering to take the children so I can finish up work for a deadline. Omg the little things!!! It’s Always the little things!!! I definitely have room for improvement here!!! My husband truly excels here…and it’s one of the things I loved so much about him from day 1…little thoughtful moments and surprises. I’m telling you, if you make minimal improvements here, you will see lots of extra love and happiness from your spouse. Everyone wants to be appreciated and made to feel special, and especially your partner when it comes from you! Show your love in the little thoughtful ways.

5) Really it boils down to this…

“Marriage is putting another person’s needs before your own” …Dr Frederick Blank.

My father in law is the sweetest most doting, loving man I’ve ever met. He lives to make Lynda, Jordan’s mom, happy, and they are one of my favorite relationships of all time! He might have said this quote 200 plus times in the past 8 years to me, I’m not sure who originated it, but I feel like it’s his catch phrase…ha!

Really that is the key…Putting Another Person’s Needs Before Your Own!

You are probably wondering where is all the secret sauce...where’s the pages and pages of tips…but really it’s fulfilling the basic desire for being loved, appreciated, made time for, and seen as ourselves, that is our secret to a loving happy marriage.

Hope you enjoyed this and I would love to hear what you do to keep your marriage healthy and beautiful, and your relationship strong and full of passion! Share away…I’m always looking to improve and be a better spouse to my love…it’s the foundation of our family and life!

All The Love,
