Favorite Baby On The Go Products With eBay.com

Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com

As someone who has actively sold and bought on eBay.com for 12 plus years, it is so great to talk about them, on my blog! 

There are four reasons why I love eBay.com...

1) If you are looking for an item from months/years past, this is the most accessible, and almost only place, you can go, to find said item. 

2) For in season/current items, you can find them, a lot of times, a little less than, retail pricing

3) If you are looking for items that were limited releases, and you missed your opportunity to buy them there...eBay is your answer.  In this case, you will pay more for this highly in demand item, but how great the opportunity to even get your hands on one, post sell out.  

4) If you are looking to buy a gently used item, and are scared to death to use other platforms that require you to meet in person. Or, even those methods that require you spending all your weekends randomly searching garage sales and consignment shops, eBay makes it so much more convenient and time saving.

So many solid and unique reasons that make eBay so special.  They really tapped into what was missing retail wise, and gave us consumers, a simplistic shopping experience, and massive reach in search, all from the comforts of our computers or phones. I feel safe and confident buying and selling on the eBay platform, and have used them a ton these past years.

This month, eBay.com is focusing on Baby items, and I wanted to share my favorite, Baby On The Go items, and where you can save by shopping on eBay.

Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com

One of the most important things you'll be buying as a new momma is a stroller.  My motto in all my decisions for baby was..."Buy it Once, and Buy it Right!" I knew we wanted more than one baby, and wanted everything gender neutral, and built to last!  UPPAbaby was by far my first choice.  I loved it's sleek, modern design, that it was super easy to clean/hose off, no weird fabrics that would show staining, all terrain wheels, easy to fold, came with a bassinet (LOVE this), and all the accessories. It was so innovative, because it offered stadium seat seating, when you added a second seat on (they call this seat a RumbleSeat.)  You can use the second(lower) seat with the bassinet on top as well, or the bassinet below and the original seat above, there are quite a few different configurations.  Our car seat is not UPPAbaby, but with an easy adapter, we were able to add our seat on no problem...(this is a Must have feature mommas).  I also love how this stroller has a Piggyback scooter, you can buy and attach, and your toddler can catch a fun ride that way.  Nowadays, Hartley likes to ride on it about 50% of the time, easily. The below basket is HUGE on this stroller...the biggest I had seen...It fits any size diaper bag I bring, and then some.  I like to pile it all in below, so I'm hands free to push and take all the pics of my babies I can...ha! (This was a huge selling point for me!) It's also great for shopping...toss a few groceries inside, or shopping bags, if you are at a mall...super convenient. I also love the addition of the cup holder, and my favorite additional piece we bought, which for some reason we lost the past few weeks, is a cell phone, key, cup holder organizer that stretches between the handlebars. I use this to hold my keys and cellphone...things you constantly want easy reach with.  As well, it also has adapters that click on, to raise the front seat higher, so there is more room between the two, and it brings the front seat closer to you.  Lastly, this guy fold ups ridiculously easy, and you can pop the wheels off and tuck the whole thing into a secure organized bag, when traveling. UPPAbaby insures your stroller, during air travel, if it's in their travel bag...also sold separately.

Here are a few great deals on the UPPAbaby stroller and accessories we have.  Keep in mind they have so many other listings, and if you have an older model, and need a replacement accessory etc, it's also a wonderful resource for you.

Stroller UPPAbaby Vista: Brand New HERE and for $100 less...HERE and HERE...or even Previously Owned...HERE and HERE.

Piggyback Scooter attachment...priced similar HERE, but if you looking to replace this for an older model of the Vista, this is a great place to find it like HERE and HERE

RumbleSeat...this one HERE is similar priced to retail, but open to offers, so you can potentially save a few extra dollars

Adapters...Lower New HERE and Upper New HERE

Stroller Organizer ...less than retail HERE (so good) 

Travel Bag..similar to retail plus tax, HERE, but free shipping

Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com
Liveloveblank.com Favorite Baby On The Go Gear with eBay.com

For trips to the park, or strolls around the neighborhood, when you want to change it up for baby, or burn some extra calories, you will want a baby carrier.  I am so happy with my Baby Bjorn Carrier One, in Mesh, baby carrier.  This was by far my favorite baby carrier!  I tested a ton in the stores, and loved everything about this one.  You can find some great deals on this carrier, both new and used on eBay.com.  Living in Arizona, I needed the most ventilated carrier I could find. Again, I love an all black, gender neutral design, that is super easy to clean and wipe down.  It adjusts easily for either myself, or my husband to wear, and adjusts for baby, as baby grows into a toddler.  Very well made and sturdy, allows the most amount of circulation to reach baby, is super comfortable to wear, and allows baby to face forward and inward, or to be used backpack style.  Such a great baby carrier!

We've been wanting a Radio Flyer Wagon for some time, and just found a great deal on this on eBay.com.  I love the Radio Flyer brand and their adorable designs...a baby on the go, must have...this wagon.  Kiddos love to be wheeled around in this...and its a nice break and change up from the stroller they find themselves in a lot.  It's open design, allows them to visually explore more of what's happening around them, as we wheel off to a fun day at the park. I love the wooden addition, keeping them within easier, and the all terrain wheels were a must!  We are going to get so much use out of this adorable wagon and the girls were so excited.  I found such a great deal, better than retail MSRP, on eBay.com, and I lined it with a blanket, for comfort and so the bottom doesn't get too hot.

Baby Bjorn Carrier One in Mesh ...Previously Owned HERE for $150 less than retail, and the New Air Version HERE. There are a variety of great finds on this product right now.

Red Flyer All Terrain Wagon....HERE and HERE, all less than retail

THIS plaid blanket...weatherproofed on one side, great for picnics too, similar in color to ours


So definitely, if you are in the market for new or used, brand name baby gear, eBay.com is an excellent source to consider!! Any questions, please let me know...Happy Shopping!

All the love,  Kim

Thanks to eBay.com for sponsoring this post, and as always, all opinions are my own.