How CBD Has Changed My Life

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture
How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture
How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

If you follow me regularly on Instagram stories…you will have been privy to my journey with CBD with Equilibria. I have been looking forward to putting everything into this blog post for you, because this is one of my absolute Favorite Finds of 2020! If you have been curious what CBD is all about…I’m hoping my story will make it easier to understand, and helpful for you…also please note...I included a promo code to save you 15% at the way bottom (actually they are having a 2 day insane sale happening now!!) I will always try and secure a promo code for you when I can!!!

Anxious, Stressed, Can’t Sleep…2020 related or not….CBD could really help you! I’m so excited to share my journey with you, even if its slightly awkward to be this vulnerable !!!

Before trying CBD I was definitely curious about it, but honestly my thoughts were more of on the lines of okay so it makes you high, right?…which didn’t interest me. However, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. In doing further research and talking with a few trusted friends…I was so surprised to hear how it has been naturally helping people with anxiety and sleep issues…two things I suffer from.

Back Story

So for a little back story if you are new to following me…I’ve always suffered from some sort of anxiety…normal day to day anxiousness, but if I had to do any kind of public speaking, ugh…the absolute worst…and I’d literally break out in hives…but such is life I’d tell myself, my inner voice is strong, and it doesn’t allow a woe is me type of reaction. However, in my 20’s, my anxiety got so bad, that I actually met with a therapist and tested out a variety of medications for a good year. While I know these can be life saving for some, for me they just made me feel drugged no matter which medicine I tried…and I just didn’t want to live my life that way. It is more important for me to be completely present with anxiety, then how the medication worked with my system. Plus, I tell myself everyone has something…so what…deal with it and move on…that’s the inner voice thing speaking to me.

However, once I became a mother…a whole new anxiety developed. My parents died when I was 7 years old, and while that’s a whole other discussion and life journey story that goes with that….it wasn’t till I had my own babies did a lil PTSD come out to play. I don’t want to go into detail the fears I have on a daily basis, but having my mom taken from me so early, did not give me any security in “everything will be okay” religious or not mentality. I’ll always be living in in a little bit of a fear based reality that something could happen to me, and my babies would grow up without my love, or that something will happen to one of my girls. (Literally my two biggest fears in life) Yes, it’s sad, and I did foresee this coming out later in life…as I had always done so much self improvement work through the years…but there ya go. That kind of fear leads to lack of sleep and constant paralyzing worry…both of which I just thought would be my story and such is life.

Sleep Issues

Lack of sleep is such a HUGE issue for me! It really was kind of eating away at me, slowly destroying me, even thou I always joked about it…it sucked! A person is not meant to get 3-4 hours a sleep 5 nights a week…man that’s tough guys…so tough! Again…my inner voice is bad ass…and such is life right...just move on and keep going…the gift of another day is enough!! Yet, honestly I really needed help and a solution. Being in my 40’s with two toddlers and running a full time business…that’s a lot…I needed help just being able to wake healthy to start each day and sleep is kind of a main component. Now my sleep issues weren’t all anxiety driven…I mean many nights I’d have horrible dreams and that was that…if I woke at 2…I was up, or if my babies came in in the middle of the night wanting to climb into bed…I wouldn’t be able to relax and go back to sleep. I’d start overanalyzing how I am doing as a momma, are my babies getting the best of me, are they feeling their most loved, am I communicating that correctly…is my husband happy…and so on…and so on. At 2 am you question everything about life and how you are showing up for your family and if they are feeling the love and are happy. Yet a large portion of my sleep issues also stem from a positive, my love for what I do, mixed in with the inability to turn work off. As a working mother, I am always behind…I have yet to get to that place where my work is organized in advance, I do work extremely well under pressure, because otherwise I will overthink and be on the quest for perfection that doesn’t exist. Mainly, I Absolutely LOVE my job, and blogging and connecting with you guys and sharing all the things, that when my eyes open, I immediately start thinking about all the work I’m behind on and all the things I am dying to share with you guys! So not just sad issues…an extreme passion and love for life and my work, doesn’t allow me to shut it off or turn It off…I’m sure many of you can relate there…so Falling asleep and Staying asleep…Major Issues!!!!

and then I’m blessed with Equilibria..insert hallelujah hands

Equilibria Has Hands Down…Changed My Life…I am less anxious on a daily basis, and I am sleeping through the night, even if woken by my girls or Oscar…which is pretty much every night.

They are a class act company thru and thru and they make it easy to understand…easy to consume, and are created by women for women. Honestly, I get so many companies reaching out about CBD…the market is flooded and so confusing. When I started hearing about Equilibria from women I trusted, it sparked my curiosity.

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

Why I chose Equilibria:

First, I loved that the company was created by women for women…they understand that our bodies are made up differently than a male’s and we go through a different journey.

Second, I was so impressed with how clear and easy they made it to understand their company and they made the process of diving into CBD simple! It was something I was always curious about, but was so overwhelmed with where to start and the endless amount of products. This market is so saturated and this was the first company that laid out what to take in such an easy way that it didn’t intimidate me or confuse me.

Third, I Absolutely loved that you could schedule a 30 min consult for free with their dosage specialist to help design the dosage and timing best for you. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to schedule my time slot, and how incredibly positive and thorough and warm and kind my specialist was. They are such an incredible wealth of knowledge and I highly advise you take advantage of that once you start taking your daily routine. It was such a beautiful experience!!

Fourth, I loved that everything was straight from their farms in Colorado to my door and of the highest quality. '“No fillers. No middle-men. So you know you’re getting consistent and reliable quality batch after batch, month after month. No surprises. Organically grown by our bioscience team with 30+ years experience in seed genetics, our specially-formulated hemp oil features 9 cannabinoids & 21 terpenes that work together to give you powerful therapeutic results. All our full-spectrum CBD products are GMO, solvent, heavy-metals, pesticide and herbicide free. Each plant is hand harvested and the oil is carefully extracted from flowers only—the purest source of cannabinoids.  We never use stalks, stems, seeds, or isolates.”(Equilibria) I only want to be using the highest quality when it comes to CBD…this is not an area to use be experimenting with lesser quality, and fillers. I love how important quality is to them!

Fifth, Overall Class Act…honestly I have been just soooo impressed with them from day one. I have probably told Jordan 20 plus times how I wish I owned a part of this company…they have been so Helpful on a Survival Level, and it’s just so beautifully organized and run, with so much information, and a results driven product…a class act through and through. I can’t think of a better way to describe them, and you’ve probably heard me speak of them in this manner many times over in Instagram stories.

Please note…As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment.

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

My Journey:

I actually started with them back in Feb 2020…I dabbled in it for a few months and the ever skeptic that I am…even pulled myself off after a few months to see if the new calm what I was feeling was a placebo effect or if it indeed was working…and that’s when I realized how helpful it truly was. I was suddenly crazy stressed and back to my 3-4 hour sleeps in the summer. So full circle…I dove back in and even adjusted my dosage, and now it is part of my daily routine…and Life Is Good!!!

It’s my mental health vitamin!

So first and foremost…because this was my top concern…Does it make me high? Absolutely not! That’s part of why I was so skeptical of CBD. It is imperative to me that I feel myself with a clear mind each day. However, because I was of clear mind each day just more calm, I wasn’t sure if it was working or just the placebo effect I mentioned…because it wasn’t making me feel funny or anything physically different.

The best way I can describe how I feel is I am just more calm, less anxious, but just myself. I feel less anxious and scared about the day, and am just handling life more like the boss my inner voice is. Showing up with ease…does that make sense…I still have fears, but they aren’t as paralyzing!

The absolute biggest change has been sleep wise!!! I take one softgel about 1-2 hrs before I fall asleep. It does not make me drowsy or make me feel any different…It doesn’t drift me off to sleep faster, but what it does do is it allows me to stay asleep! So every night one of my girls pitter patters across my bedroom floor, reaching for me to lift them into my bed, and now I can Actually Fall Back Asleep! It’s so wild! Even if I have to take them to the bathroom...I can now get back into bed, without diving into worrisome thoughts, or jumping into my daily work tasks…I can just go back to sleep...honestly it’s revolutionary!!!! It’s so wild!!!

I’ve never felt better…I’m getting 6-7 hours sleep, I’m not abnormally stressed and anxious throughout daily life..and there ya go! Honestly the sleep issue alone makes me teary eyed… the fact that I can sleep more than 3-4 hours a night, and wake up feeling normal is incredible!!! I did try a variety of melatonin, which would help me fall asleep, but it didn’t help me stay asleep and would be groggy if I couldn’t get in enough hours…

The effects were immediate for me…within a week, I was sleeping through the night. If I forget to take my softgel, I will wake at the 2/3 am hour and there ya go…so for me I have to take it daily like a vitamin…that’s why I like to call it my Daily Mental Health Vitamin!

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture
How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

What do I take?

Lately I’ve been doing a full dropper of the Daily Drops as soon as my eyes open (with all that has been going on in the world I take the strongest mg now…the extra strength 1500 mg), and then the softgel (again the stronger one, the 25mg works best for me) about 1-2 hours before I want to fall asleep. I use the relief cream for common headaches and menstrual cramps…I rub it right on the source, and under my arm pits…(tip: it gets to the source even quicker this way) I will add in the roller ball pens as needed throughout the day…one is energizing and one is calming. ..a great little boost during the day, or part of nice turn down routine at night. They recently introduced a CBD nourishing face and body oil…I use that in the evening as my final step, and have been really liking it thus far…extra hydrating!

I would highly recommend you start with the Brilliance Box…this way you get the full package…you should definitely be using the drops and softgels, and layering in the cream as needed. I am on a monthly subscription…like I said I take it daily, and you’ll want to take it daily to see your best results. Once you get your first box, take as directed and journal how you are feeling daily. Then I recommend you book a 30 min chat with their dosage specialist and she will advise you if you need to adjust your dosage timing and amount. Again, just an incredible wealth of knowledge, patience and non judgment…I felt super comfortable telling her all my issues(ha) to see how she could best solve my problems.

Honestly anyone reading this far and taking the next step to try them out…I just want to hug you!! You have no idea how your life is about to improve to a level of normalcy! It’s so incredible!!! I feel like this is one the best gifts I could give you and the best thing I did for myself in 2020!

I’m so grateful I took the plunge, did my due diligence, and can now share with you! It’s such an honor to partner with them because my love for them is so deep! Honestly..I wish I owned part fo this company so badly…it’s such a beautifully kind and compassionate company to be associated with…their mission is just to help others…and they do it so effectively…a class act for sure!

If you’ve been thinking of trying…

My promo code KIMBLANK saves you 15%

Yet it’s Holiday Time!!! The BEST OF sales are happening now!!!

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

Save 30% plus my 15% off code…ends 11/11/20

They just launched their holiday gift packs at crazy savings…and for today and tomorrow they are offering a 30% discount off discount sitewide when you purchase one of their holiday packages AND you can stack my promo code on top of that KIMBLANK for an extra 15% off!!!

It’s the absolute best savings I’ve seen!!!! I get such a rush when I can save you money…so I knew I needed to get my story to my blog ASAP so that you can save the most money possible!!!

Below are their just released Holiday Gift Sets!

How CBD Has Changed My Life equilibria CBD daily drops, softgels, roller pens, style blogger , outdoor furniture

So obviously I’m not an expert in CBD, and if you have any additional questions…yes please reach out to Equilibria and they will be more than happy to expertly answer them for you. I am just one person who had anxiety issues, mixed with a lil PTSD and an inability to get enough sleep. I hope this was helpful to you in some way by sharing my journey(as uncomfortable as that is) and I hope I made it seem less scary to you. I know how I once felt, and I get your concerns.

***Also, I want to point out that CBD is helpful for even minimal daily stress, or COVID quarantine brought on stress…stress isn’t necessarily in these big ways…it sneaks in in small ways too…and sometimes it just finds you for a season in your life. Either way…their CBD products are a fantastic and could maybe help you out as well!

All the love, and if I can ever answer any more questions for you…I’m so happy to help! Enjoy….this is the BEST Gift of Happiness and Quality of Life Information I’ve Yet to be able to share!!!

All the love, Kim

In partnership with Equilibria, but all opinions are my own!